Feb 1, 2021
Jan 31, 2021
Jan 30, 2021
Updated: Apr 6, 2021
Clara: (continuing to recall at her therapy session in the present) Later that evening Almont had a guest drop by the farm.
Almont Blake: Ah hello there Miss Ludlow. Helen, Harrison, this is Polly Ludlow. She runs the haberdashery shop here in Granville. Polly these are the Hardships and their daughters Hadrigal and Hagatha.
They sat and talked a bit about the recent as well as the day’s events. Then Helen and Polly took the children to the kitchen for a bottle.
Polly Ludlow: So I hear Lady Ashwurth was a bit rough on you. It pains me to say this but its something we all get used to here in Granville.
Helen: Yes it was a bit of a shock to the nerves but I’ve had similar before. I’ve learned to just do what I can and if they don’t want me its up to them to get rid of me.
They continued to chat over tea.
Polly: I’ve lived in Granville my whole life. I’ve seen a lot here. I know a lot. This town is not like other towns. I hear she asked you to come work at the Manor.
Helen: Yes but I don’t know how I’ll tell her I cannot accept. I can’t leave the children here with just Harrison and Mr. Blake.
Helen and Polly carried the girls upstairs and tucked them in to bed. Afterward they rejoined the men in the sitting room.
Harrison: Why was her Ladyship so upset about the extra crops?
Almont: She just wants to control everything. Very few folks in this town can get by and things are getting worse. But them Ashwurths don’t care a bit. Everything is their pie and you aint even gettin the crumbs.
Polly: The way they’re goin about things they’ll run all the workers out of town or work em to death and there won’t be any pie for them. But they’ll probably just go buy another town and bleed it dry. Now Helen dear, don’t you be worrying about the girls. Almont asked me to come by tonight because he knew I could help you. So you just go ahead and see about tending to her Ladyship’s greenery and I’ll keep an eye on the young things here.
Helen: But what about your shop?
Polly: My Apprentice, Georgia Cordele can run the shop for me.
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